Select File->Export and save out the TGA. Install a piece of software called VTFEdit. Drag \Root\Materials\Models\Survivors\ into a folder on your hard drive. In GCFScape press open and select pak01_dir.vpk. The pak01_dir.vpk file is the header for the remaining. Inside of the L4D folder in steam’s apps are a bunch of files with the name pak01_#.vpk and pak01_dir.vpk. Download a piece of software called GCFScape. If there is an easier way of doing this, let me know. Well it isn’t as self explanatory as I would have liked but I eventually figured it out.
I read about the Steam workshop today and every day at lunch we play Left 4 Dead 2, so I figured why not figure out how it works and try modifying a survivors texturemap.